
아름다운 한국 전통 문화의 경험은 값지고 감동적입니다!

Target Audience


유치원 – 초등학교 재학 중인 학생.
  • Children's Class
  • 토요일 오전 10:00-오후1:00
  • Programs Offered
Puppet dance, fan dance, Janggu dance (hourglass drum), Nanta (percussion performance), and Samulnori These classes are beneficial for children's development and growth, fostering a sense of cultural identity in a globalized world.
꼭두각시, 부채춤, 장고춤, 난타, 사물놀이

Adult Class


  • Adult Class
  • 화요일, 목요일 오전 10:00-12:00
  • Programs Offered
Flower crown dance, fan dance, salpuri (ritual purification dance), Gyobang dance (traditional court dance), sword dance, and Janggu dance As a cultural activity, these classes provide healthy physical exercise and promote cultural pride through regular performances.
Programs Offered
주간 강좌로서 시간 관리에 용이합니다.

Target Audience


  • Target Audience
  • 토요일 오후 1:00-3:00
  • Programs Offered
Nanta, Samulnori, Samgomu (three drum dance), and folk songs: These classes are designed to encourage participants to engage in meaningful cultural activities during their leisure time.
Programs Offered

Cultural Workshop

오레곤 전통문화예술단의 문화교실에서 아름다운 한국문화를 경험하세요.

이민생활에서 문화적 자긍심과 함께 생활의 활력을 얻을 수 있습니다!


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